SuperBowl Inspiration

4 Feb

There are few things i love more than a Raven and Super Bowl Ads. Being from Maryland it is a basic requirement when you’re born that you like the Ravens and or know of them. There are some neighbors at home who have sworn allegiance to wear purple while shopping for grocerries, clothes, and  car parts when football season begins.

My parents are not into football and I can’t tell you what a field goal is, but I know when the numbers are higher by the Raven’s name that I can start shouting Yeah! This is a big deal for us to make it to the superbowl, and hopefully when I post this we will have won it.

But that’s hardly the point of the Superbowl, it’s really all about two things.  For  Ad agencies the Superbowl  provides the largest consumer market at one time in the entire season of TV. That is  unless  by freak chance on the same time slot the Dali Lamma happens to be holding a meeting with the Pope on CNN and their waiting for a call from Abe Lincoln in the beyond.

And the half time show which we can all say we hate after its passed, unless someone manages to expose themselves then it’s news.

In particular Dorrito’s has brought the consumer to making their ads for the last four years, an ingenious part on their hand.

Here are 2011 winners:

The people who create them come from all sorts of back rounds, but with inspiration and 30 seconds they manage to pack a punch. Not sure what kind of camera’s they use, but the quality is amazing.

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